
GlobalGTA privacy policy
Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this policy explaining our online information practices.
This statement explains our policy regarding the personal information we collect about you. This statement does not, and is not intended to, create any contractual or other legal rights.

Customer data
Customer data submitted through the website is subject to the same safeguards as information submitted through any other means and may be used in the same manner.

GlobalGTA inform
The personal data that you submit to register for access to GlobalGTA INform is kept on our database and not released to a third party. You will be given the option to receive further information from GlobalGTA about our products and services in the future, however if you have not selected to receive these communications, you will only receive GlobalGTA INform.

Third parties
GlobalGTA never sells or otherwise passes on personal information to third parties. However personal details found on the find an auditor section are published with the permission of the individual.
GlobalGTA has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure we have militated against such risks as loss or unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data.

GlobalGTA provides links to other sites. We have no control over these sites; in particular we have no responsibility for the privacy policies of these sites.

Other information collected
We use your internet provider address/domain name to collect anonymous aggregated statistics regarding numbers of visitors, countries of origin, pages visited, machine information and other similar site statistics. These statistics cannot be traced back to individual users. We use them to ensure that we are providing a good service to our users and to keep track of any technical difficulties.

Data protection registration
GlobalGTA is registered with the Information Commissioner in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.